Finally…I arrived in
Tuli and I have been picked up by a WFP driver and his huge jeep with the UN-logo on it…yes, I have to admit that stuff like that still puts a smile on my face.
We got of at our hotel which is really nice and conveniently located, so that we can actually walk to the office.
We found a note in our rooms that Arne (a Norwegian PI consultant) will visit us.
So we spent the afternoon having lunch with him and his family. It was a pleasant gesture by Arne to spend his Sunday with us…so we were welcomed warmly.
For our first day at work we have been picked up again by a driver. Probably just to make sure that the interns don’t get lost on their first day. Arne was already there and showed us a little bit around before Volana arrived as well. She will be our direct supervisor and closest colleague. We spent most of the week with briefings from the different departments. Everybody was very keen on explaining to us what his or job is…so we got plenty if information about logistics, IT, school feeding, food for work, nutrition centres, etc.
It will take some time to get the whole picture, but this introduction was very helpful.
In our Public Information department we are mainly responsible for the external perception of WFP Madagascar. So from writing press releases to looking for suitable collaborations to enhance the visibility of WFP, we are the ones when it comes to spreading publicly the word of hunger.
The interns were directly involved in writing a briefing for our country director Krystyna, because she will meet a high
We received lots of input for the briefing from Stefanie who is a programme officer. Following her remarks for the first time is a challenge and even more to put that later on in a comprehensible language.
Arne recommended that we should try to write a single part ourselves, so Tuli had to compose something about the pre-positioning of food stocks and I had to write a paragraph concerning the re-introduction of sorghum to the dry South of Madagascar (I will write an extra blog entry about what WFP is really into here in Madagascar sometime in the near future).
We finalized the briefing note Friday evening after receiving extensive feedback from Stefanie…but normally we are allowed to leave the office at 2pm on Fridays…nice, huh?
Besides our work we spent most of the time looking for an apartment. We called several real estate agencies to help us out…but the offered places were either way too big (3 floors just for Tuli and me!!!), not furnished, still being renovated or just too far away from the city centre.
We put our hopes into an offer I found via the StudiVZ (German Facebook), so there might be an apartment available where already other interns lived before.
We will check it out the next days…keep the fingers crossed or squeeze the thumbs…what ever you do to wish us good luck!
MGG Fabi
4 Kommentare:
...bei den Bildern wird einem schon fast ein bisschen wärmer, obwohl es vorm Fenster nieselt und kalt ist...brrr :)
Viele Grüße nach Madagaskar und ein tolles Praktikum beim WFP!!!
...ich hab deinen Blog jetzt mal bei verlinkt in der Rubrik Praktikum.
Der Blog ist bestimmt sehr interessant für Leute, die auch ein Praktikum beim World Food Programme in Madagaskar absolvieren möchten. LG, Harald
Schoen,schoen,sehr interessant. dazu kann ich immer vom Fabis Leben was "keep track" auf englisch
I begin on internet with a directory
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